The role of employer partnerships in advancing skills-based hiring and LERs

As industries evolve and the demand for specific skills increases, finding more accurate and inclusive evaluation methods for diverse talent is crucial. Many job seekers and employers are finding that traditional hiring tools, such as degrees and resumes, are no longer enough in today's rapidly evolving job market.  

Skills-based hiring, and resources that support it such as learning and employment records (LERs), offer transformative solutions for employers and job seekers. In order to effectively pilot and implement these tools and create universally beneficial outcomes, robust employer engagement is needed. 

Vibrant Pittsburgh, an employer partner of SkillsFWD grantee Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL), works to develop inclusive workplace environments. As the region seeks to grow and thrive, Vibrant Pittsburgh focuses on enhancing the retention of BIPOC talent and partners with organization members and employers to help recruit, retain, and elevate diverse job seekers to support a successful Pittsburgh region. 

CAEL is collaborating with Vibrant Pittsburgh to bridge the gap between talent and employers in the region. Through LERs and credentialing solutions, workers’ skills will be evident to employers, even without degrees. LERs are comprehensive digital records documenting an individual's skills, competencies, and experiences in a verified way — making it easier for employers to identify the right candidates.

“CAEL was keen to understand how Vibrant Pittsburgh engages with employers and the insights we can offer from our experiences. They were interested in exploring how best to engage businesses in skills-based hiring initiatives, ensuring the tools we develop align with their needs and expectations, and ultimately, facilitating effective hiring through our platform and services,” said Lora McKnight, chief operating officer at Vibrant Pittsburgh.

Employers in the region benefit from working with Vibrant Pittsburgh in many ways. Tools like the Vibrant Index offer a free and confidential way for employers to assess the state of their diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives. Other professional development opportunities include monthly lunch and learns, learning labs, a CEO vision breakfast, and more

Skills-based hiring helps employers find qualified talent by prioritizing competencies over degrees and can help reduce biases, opening opportunities for a more diverse pool of candidates — a pain point for the Pittsburgh region. "In the Pittsburgh region, we’re addressing talent attraction and retention challenges, particularly among individuals from underrepresented communities, who are more likely to leave the area. We’re working to improve these dynamics and support a more inclusive local workforce,” McKnight said.

Alongside CAEL, Vibrant Pittsburgh plans to support employers transitioning to a skills-based hiring approach by convening those most interested in the work. McKnight envisions Vibrant Pittsburgh playing a key role in this local effort and recognizes the importance of ongoing education in addressing hiring challenges from the outset.

“We are committed to partnering with employers to explore and embrace skills-based employment and credentialing opportunities. By fostering a long-term talent development and retention strategy, we can create a clear and effective pipeline for employers and job seekers,” said McKnight. “CAEL will contribute by developing a structured credentialing process that offers transparent and practical pathways for employers to utilize confidently.”

Several organizations have already recognized the advantages of strong employer partnerships in advancing LERs and skills-based hiring. For instance, initiatives like the Alabama Talent Triad, a SkillsFWD grantee, have proven their effectiveness by creating LERs for thousands of residents, verifying numerous credentials and helping employers fill positions with qualified candidates. 

These success stories highlight the transformative potential of robust employer partnerships in shaping a more dynamic and inclusive workforce. 

Today, Vibrant Pittsburgh has over 140 employer members of all sizes, sectors, and industries. McKnight is enthusiastic about the role the region's employer community can play in shaping Pittsburgh into a hub of opportunity. “Connecting our ecosystems and fostering communication about regional developments is essential for advancing workplace growth. Our goal is to make the region a place where individuals of all backgrounds and identities can confidently find meaningful and sustainable employment,” said McKnight.


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